Thursday, February 6, 2014

4. Graphic Designer: Brian Webb


Brian Webb initially trained as a technical illustrator at Liverpool College of Art.  He moved to London and in 1971 he founded Trickett & Webb with Lynn Trickett. Projects included corporate, exhibition and packaging design for international clients
Brian Webb has lectured, assessed students and courses in the UK and abroad, is Past-President of the Chartered Society of Designers and committee and jury member of D&AD; Fellow of the University College of the Creative Arts, Visiting Professor University of the Arts London, Royal Society of the Arts Student Design Bursary judge for 25 years, he has also judged the Prince Philip Designers Prize.

Published in 2008 was London Transport Posters, a Century of Art and Design published by Lund Humphries, including ‘The Roller Coaster’ Ride’, the chapter covering 1945 to the present day and in 2010 Think of it as a Poster, for the Fleece Press.

Recent work at Webb & Webb include postage stamps for the Royal Mail, exhibition, posters and book design for Bond Bound: Ian Fleming and the Art of Cover Design, the exhibition starting at the Fleming Collection Gallery in London 2008 and traveling to the USA, Japan and Dubai and the 10th Anniversary re-design  of the Harry Potter book series for Bloomsbury, 2010.



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