Monday, February 17, 2014

Eric Shabazz Larkin, Art Director (Bio)


Eric Shabazz Larkin works as an Associate Creative Director in New York City.  He began his creative journey long before he decided to pursue advertising.   After an eye opening mission’s trip to Kenya, he was inspired to start a series of paintings and installations called “The BeautyFro Collection.”  The collection takes a new perspective on the beauty of black people and culture.   His approach to advertising is - be an artist first, make ads later.   Eric believes his greatest work in the ad industry is not advertising at all. Pointing to his founding role in facilitating the design and creation of content for Bill Gates’ personal website, The Gates Notes, which serves as a media hub, and educational platform for Bill Gates philanthropic work and ideals.  He is also the Creative Director at the Creative School of Thought, a group of content creators that produce music and film for personal expression, public art and commission.  He enjoys sports, painting, composing music and song writing.

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