Friday, January 17, 2014

Lindon Leader

 I was driving with my wife a few weeks ago when we passed a FedEx truck. She mentioned that the FedEx logo is one of the most famous and well respected logo's used today. Rather than show my ignorance I kept my thoughts to myself. But what I was thinking was- why? Its just the Word FedEx with an arrow colored blue and orange. We drove a little farther and she asked me if I can find the arrow? That is when I realized that while I was aware of the arrow subconsciously, I didn't actually know where it was on the logo. It took me a minute at home on the computer to find it.
The FedEx logo was created by designer Lindon Leader in 1994. Leader is perhaps most recognized for the Fedex Logo, but has also created work for Disney, Motorola, World Cup USA and Ryder trucks to name a few.

1 comment:

  1. Great story about the conversation with your wife. Take the logo apart... it is a sans serif typeface that is extra bold. the spaces between each letter form are compressed so they touch.
