Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ebon Heath, Typographic Artist


Ebon Heath is a Typographic artist.  He received his BFA, in Graphic Design, from Rhode Island School of Design in 1994 and founded “stereotype” the same year, a design studio focused on music packaging, magazine layout, and fashion advertising. His clients varied from the urban fashion pioneer Triple 5 Soul, Puffy’s Bad Boy Records, to independent magazine Stress, as well as cultural institutions, and promotions for the Nike NYC Swoosh Campaign. Ebon subsequently co-founded Cell Out in 2003, a consultancy that develops issue-based media strategies for non-profits, NGO’s and various brands.
Also, Ebon’s art works didn’t fall short and he has exhibited internationally with his stereotype installations and is currently developing a collection of jewelry (launched in Dubai summer 2009) and mobiles for the home, made of typography for retail in 2010.
Ebon currently lives and works between Brooklyn and Berlin. According to his facebook page he enjoys music by Sade, Thelonious Monk and J Dilla; his favorite movies are A Tribe Called Quest and Outside the Box, among others.

Some of his work…


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