Sunday, February 2, 2014

Graphic Design Bio: Erick Goto


Erick Goto

Erick Goto is a born and raised in  Los Angeles, California; he is currently residing in Portland, OR., he is one of the many but few graphic / product  designers for NIKE, Inc.. Erick is a designer for the footwear team. He works with professional athletes to help design their brand, gaining insight on creating innovative footwear solutions. Erick also partners with other designers within NIKE to collaborate on premium product executions.
Erick got his degree from UCLA in D|MA in 2007  and started with NIKE the same year;  and has been working on KOBE[Bryant] footwear since 2008. His biggest project to date is the snake inspired graphics for the KOBE 8 system.
Collection of KOBE sneakers through the years(2006-2013)

Kobe 8 System
Kobe wearing an Erick Goto design which made Sports Illustrated

Erick Goto design for Kevin Durant

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Calvin... Nice find to highlight a young designer and in a diverse area as footwear graphic design.... interesting!
