Friday, January 10, 2014

Welcome to Graphic Design I

Important things to do this week:

-Read through the class syllabus linked from the list of links in the upper right of the blog.

-Post a bio and hello to this blog.  Include a statement of what you hope to learn in this class.

-Secure a copy of  Photoshop CC ... .  Any version after Photoshop 5 will do, and that goes back a long way.  If you have ordered it from an online vendor and are waiting for it, you can download a free copy good for 30 days from  After you get your copy, just input the serial number when you start it up.  You could get by for the next 8 weeks by getting a copy of Elements for 30 days then Photoshop CC for another 30 days.... Once you start using it though I am sure you'll want to have a copy for yourself.

-Post a 1 paragraph review of a graphic design artist found either at the Museum of Graphic Design or through one of the links on the syllabus.  Include an image from their work.  This will count as 1 attendance record and your Bio will count as the other for the first week.  After that, your creative work that you'll post will count toward attendance.  There are two attendance records generated each week.

-Watch some of the videos on how to use Elements and Photoshop, posted in the syllabus.

-Let me know if you have any concerns or if you don't know how to do something.  There is a video on how to post to this blog in the list of class links in the upper right hand corner where other important links are located.

Looking forward to getting this class launched!